Very informative if your a auto geek looking for more inside looks.
Very informative if your a auto geek looking for more inside looks.
I enjoy this app for keeping current on auto news. I agree with having a zoom feature for the car pictures.
I liked this app until the start of Jan, now it wont work, just says Im offline when Im not. Syncing doesnt work either.
Excellent new car info
Pics, video and more than you imagine, all in a free app! Love it!
Pop up ad for science magazine cant be deleted. Viewing much of the info takes you to auto mags web site anyway and photos not zoomable. Returning to app takes you back to home screen, not where you were forced to leave the app. Headline text too long, doesnt fit the screen. Unloaded after five minutes: theres a reason its free.
Not enough pics of cool cars.
Very useful and up to date. Automotive news at the touch of a finger !
As a car nut, very informative at a touch of a finger
A exe lent ap,must have if you like cars like me!
And Lindamood hasnt ruined it
When you leave the app and return to it, you are at the home screen and have to wait for the ad to finish. The part that really is bothersome is how the articles guide you to the video, link, etc. but there is none. The bottom of the article has "source:" but it wont link to the media. This is the equivalent of a friend who over a pint keeps saying, "Hey have you heard that AMG is building a V24 A class that does warp speed? Ill show you the video." Then he proceeds to drink and look at the tv above the bar. It aint long before you club him with a stool. Please dont make me hit you with a stool
Cool app. I check it every day. My only complaint is that it needs more pictures and a few more stats- namely 0-60 times.
Nice redesign. But crashes often. Especially when trying to view pictures...which is what most people do when using a car review app.
Just tried a bunch of apps like Motor Trend but they were all buggy, this one is simple and works well.
Was a great app... Has stopped loading the articles... Main page and sections load ok, but you click on an article and it comes up blank... Tried reloading app, same issue. Click on app support in App Store and there is no support!
The product is okay, however, since it prompted me to offer my review before I had an opportunity to review the product this is an incomplete assessment.
Its free, free & free. Also filled with a lot of reviews, HD videos.
I used to subscribe to automobile mag years ago as a teenager because it seemed like the most sophisticated publication out there. The writers were smart and the design analysis from Cumberford was usually pretty keen if I didnt always agree. Honestly, I have not spent much time with this app. It seems like there is a lot of great content for the free aspect of the app. Id probably even be willing to pay a couple bucks a month for a newsstand version, but anyway. If any of the writers & reviewers are behind the app content it will be worth the download, especially since its free.
Timely and detailed coverage of all relevant new cars. Few more pictures would be icing on the cake. Thanks.